Contacts for Astigmatism: The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right Lenses

Contacts for Astigmatism: The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right Lenses

Posted on July 31st, 2023

In the realm of vision correction, astigmatism poses a unique challenge that requires specialized solutions. 

Fortunately, modern optometry offers an array of contact lenses tailored to address astigmatism, providing wearers with the clarity they deserve. 

In this guide, we will explore the world of contacts for astigmatism, shedding light on toric contact lenses, the best choice for crystal-clear vision.

Understanding Astigmatism Vision

Astigmatism is a common refractive error that affects how the eye focuses light, causing blurred or distorted vision at various distances. It can be classified into two main types:

  • Corneal Astigmatism: It occurs when the cornea has unequal curvatures in different meridians. Light is focused at different points on the retina due to the irregular corneal shape.
  • Lenticular Astigmatism: It involves the lens inside the eye having different curvatures in different meridians. It is less common than corneal astigmatism but can cause similar vision problems.

Astigmatism can occur on its own or in combination with other refractive errors, and its severity can vary. Fortunately, it can be easily corrected with the right eyewear, such as toric contact lenses and glasses designed to compensate for the irregular corneal shape. By addressing astigmatism, individuals can enjoy clear and comfortable vision, navigating the world with confidence and precision. If you suspect you have astigmatism or experience blurred vision, schedule an eye examination with an optometrist for a proper diagnosis and explore the most suitable corrective measures.

The Superior Choice for Astigmatism – Embrace Toric Contact Lenses

When it comes to correcting astigmatism, there's one solution that stands out as a superior choice: toric contact lenses. These specialized lenses have been specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of individuals with astigmatism, providing a level of clarity and stability that traditional spherical lenses cannot match. In this section, we will explore the remarkable advantages of toric contact lenses and how they elevate the visual experience for those with astigmatism.

Precise Correction for Irregular Corneas

Toric contact lenses are meticulously crafted to correct the irregular shape of the cornea associated with astigmatism. Unlike standard spherical lenses, which have a uniform curve, toric lenses have varying powers in different meridians. This means they can address the multiple focal points on the retina caused by astigmatism, ensuring that light is correctly focused for clear and sharp vision.

Enhanced Stability and Consistent Vision

One of the most significant benefits of toric contact lenses is their exceptional stability on the eye. The unique design of toric lenses prevents them from rotating or shifting, which is crucial for maintaining precise vision correction. This stability ensures that your lenses stay in the correct position, providing consistent and reliable vision throughout the day.

Wide Range of Options

Toric contact lenses come in a wide range of options to suit various preferences and lifestyles. Whether you prefer daily disposable lenses for ultimate convenience, extended wear lenses for flexibility, or monthly replacement lenses for cost-effectiveness, there is a toric option to fit your needs.

Soft and Gas Permeable Toric Lenses

Toric contact lenses are available in both soft and gas permeable (GP) materials. Soft toric lenses are known for their exceptional comfort and easy adaptation, making them an excellent choice for first-time contact lens wearers or those with sensitive eyes. On the other hand, GP toric lenses offer exceptional visual clarity and durability, making them a preferred choice for individuals with more complex astigmatism prescriptions.

Now that we've explored the remarkable advantages of toric contact lenses, it's time to delve deeper into choosing the perfect fit for your astigmatism. From considering the lens material to evaluating the wearing schedule, the next section will provide valuable insights on how to navigate the world of toric lenses and find the right ones that cater to your unique visual needs and lifestyle.

How to Find the Right Contacts for Astigmatism

When it comes to finding the perfect contacts for astigmatism, toric contact lenses are the go-to solution. Designed to correct the irregular corneal shape associated with astigmatism, toric lenses offer precise and stable vision like no other. In this section, we'll explore the essential steps to help you navigate the world of toric contact lenses and find the ideal fit for your unique astigmatism correction.

1. Consultation with an Optometrist

The journey to finding the right toric lenses begins with a comprehensive eye examination by an experienced optometrist. During this consultation, the optometrist will assess the extent and type of your astigmatism, ensuring an accurate prescription for your toric contact lenses. They will also consider your eye health, lifestyle, and visual needs to guide you towards the most suitable lens options.

2. Exploring Toric Contact Lenses

Toric contact lenses come in a wide range of options, offering various materials, wearing schedules, and designs. Explore the different toric lens options available, including daily disposable lenses for convenience, extended wear lenses for flexibility, and monthly replacement lenses for cost-effectiveness. With the guidance of your optometrist, select the toric lenses that align perfectly with your lifestyle and comfort preferences.

3. Considering Lens Material and Design

Contact lenses come in various materials, each offering distinct benefits. From traditional hydrogel to advanced silicone hydrogel, the lens material can affect oxygen permeability, moisture retention, and overall comfort. Additionally, consider the lens design, as some toric lenses are optimized for specific activities, such as sports or extended computer use. With the guidance of your optometrist, choose a lens material and design that suits your visual demands and daily activities.

4. Precise Lens Fit and Comfort

A well-fitting lens is essential for optimal astigmatism correction and overall comfort. During your consultation, your optometrist will conduct a toric contact lens fitting to ensure the lenses sit correctly on your eyes. This process accounts for the specific axis and cylinder powers needed to correct your astigmatism accurately. Proper insertion, removal, and care techniques will also be demonstrated to ensure you are comfortable and confident with your toric lenses.

5. Evaluating Lens Material and Design

Consideration of the lens material and design is crucial in selecting the right toric contact lenses. Soft toric lenses offer exceptional comfort and are ideal for first-time wearers or those with sensitive eyes. On the other hand, gas permeable (GP) toric lenses provide excellent visual clarity and durability, making them a preferred choice for individuals with more complex astigmatism prescriptions. Discuss these options with your optometrist to choose the lens type that best suits your visual demands.


Finding the right contacts for astigmatism requires expertise and personalized care. With the guidance of your optometrist, finding the right toric lenses for your astigmatism is a seamless process. 

At Davich Optical, our team of dedicated professionals is committed to guiding you on this journey to clear and comfortable vision. Schedule a consultation with our experienced optometrists at (213) 386-6177 or via email at [email protected], and let us help you discover the ideal astigmatism-correcting contacts that perfectly suit your eyes and lifestyle. With the right lenses, clarity and confidence await you, empowering you to embrace life with a clear vision.

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